Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. Spring apparently wasn't bad either.
Jokes aside, it is the day of fools and that fact of this auspicious day makes me realize that I am a fool. Let me explain.
As I was planning a concept for my Original Work, I decided to design an airplane of my own creation, create a cohesive model from multiple sides, and then create it on an online modeling software on my own. As you can tell, that was overly ambitious. Yet I attempted to follow through until halfway and decided to create a learning pamphlet of what I've learned in the year thus far.
For my Final Product, I hadn't learned from my past mistakes and decided to design an engine, model it digitally, AND construct it in real life. Now that... is ambitious. However, I am not a fool for making the "mistake" of being overly ambitious. I am the fool for thinking that I am being overly ambitious.
Think about it. It is much easier to succumb to the fear of doing too much that you might stress yourself out than it is to fear doing the work itself. I am at the stage where I am telling myself I'm attempting to do too much without actually doing it. That fact is exactly what will be my downfall. That is what makes me the fool.
Now acknowledging that reality, I must push that fear out of my brain by recognizing three things: to focus on the task and not the rewards, gratitude and its anti-failure effects, and striving for growth rather than the product.
On these grounds, it is important to realize that it's okay to be a fool. That is the body gives the brain a calling that something needs to change. It is substantial for the brain to respond to this call and make the change. I will make the change.