I felt my ankle buckle and my balance leave my body. Hardly a second later, I was on the floor and in awe at the fact that I tripped over an invisible obstacle and plummeted onto the concrete. This was the noon of the 2024 ISM Business Symposium. All three of us ISM II students had been working the day from 7 am, and my blood was concentrated with sugared coffee and corn chips. Regardless, I had no suspicion that my body would fail my mind like that.
Even though the Symposium was filled with so much knowledge and experience, my mind always goes to the pain of the fall I had.
Now that it has been a couple of weeks, I can start seeing the lesson embedded into that terrible experience. When one least expects it and when feeling at their best moment, problems may come hurdling, and when they do, sitting back and thinking of what just happened is not the right course of action. Rather, it is best to brush yourself off and not let one moment define the memory.
After my fall, my friends helped me up and held onto my elbows so I wouldn't fall again.
And I didn't.
Though I came out with a couple of scars, I have also come out knowing that when I am going down a fall, the important people in my life will help pull me out.
So even though that fall hurt a bit of my pride, it also taught me the value of grit and friendship: two valuable traits I will nourish throughout this year.