Module (noun) mod·ule: one of a set of separate parts that can be joined together to form a larger object.
I feel as though I am a module.
I feel as though we are all modules.
All with separate, distinctive functions. Yet cohesively, the power to form a strong force.
One issue here is that every module, every one of us, must behave optimally to form this strong force. That’s why it's called the workforce. Therefore, to do my part as a module in the workforce, especially at the age I am at, I am in need of a mentor.
Now that is the overarching goal through the program of Independent Study and Mentorship so it is about time I take the time to find someone. Luckily, I met a lovely prospect. Mr. Jorge Rezende, a global manager at Abbott Laboratories, has a background in engineering, but more than that, has a talent for across-the-board knowledge.
This called for an interview which was virtual yet rewarding in the the sheer amount of content and knowledge I gained. I spoke more about this interview in my assessment which you can find under Works >> Research >> Assessment 15.
My next steps on this journey are looking good. Moreover, my function as a module … is looking good.