This past week I got the amazing opportunity to attend my very first trade show named the Design-2-Part. Design-2-Part has America’s Largest Design & Contract Manufacturing Trade Show and features nearly 75 business companies. I was able to spend a few hours traveling from booth to booth asking company representatives questions about their products. Though a majority of the attendees had been potential customers, they were still beyond helpful in teaching me things whether it be how die-cutting works, the process of water jet cutting, the strength of certain tapes, rubber and its properties, or even metal brain mesh.
Throughout my time there, I was required to make connections to everything the representatives told me. They would often say more than I could understand however asking clarifying questions and being unafraid to do so proved to be beneficial due to how much information I gained. For example, I am aware of certain plastic filament materials for 3D printing due to using it for my robotics team yet I hadn't known its inner properties. By asking questions on those types of materials including ABS(the material in legos) or PLA to plastic manufacturers, I am deepening my understanding of these topics.
While I learned a lot, I do find myself struggling to recall it all. I kept a notepad to ensure I write all new ideas but looking back, I should've written a quick summary of each booth I visited. By doing so, my brain would activate that memory and what I had learned in that booth from that representative. This way, I will not only be proficient in the trade of engines but also in ALL the rest of the trades. After all, we're at a TRADE show, no?