As leaves turn orange and gloomy clouds appear, it is known that spooky season is here!
When Spooktober hits, I can feel the chills of eerie ghosts floating around and watching my every move. Though that image seems creepy, the following eyes also hold me accountable. At the peak of fall, my deadlines are all rushing toward me, and all forms of procrastination are detrimental to the work I do. Therefore, constantly checking myself and ensuring my work gets done is essential to success.
Our next big milestone is the Original Work. After finalizing my proposal this past week, I am excited to say I am starting a podcast! This entertainment would consist of weekly meetings with various professionals who are specialized in topics and simply talking about a subject. I am beyond ecstatic about the content I will learn, the engineering professionals I connect with, and, most of all, the chance to share the knowledge with the world.
That is only possible, however, with adequate planning and consistent scheduling. Making sure I don't lose myself with deadlines in this in-depth journey will require those ghosts watching me 24/7.
So while most will run away from that dark forest of ghosts, I will sit in the middle of it knowing these ghosts, their eyes, are keeping me on track and ready for anything I put my heart into.